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Top Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Carpet

Spring is here and now is the time to dust off the windowsills and clean out the winter doldrums. Take advantage of the season to get your house and especially your carpet ready for the summer.

Regular Vacuuming

Regular vacuuming helps get the little crumbs and dirt up before it gets a chance to be ground into the carpet. The more quickly you get dirt off the carpet, the cleaner your home remains in the long run. Give some extra attention to high traffic areas or areas where crumbs might get dropped.

Keep the Shoes Out

Spring is the season of rain so watch out for young ones tracking dirt and mud inside. To avoid the worst of this, have a policy for everyone to take their shoes off at the door. Even if everyone takes their shoes off near the door, dirt clods may get knocked onto the carpet. Stop even this amount of dirt from getting in with a shoe brush on the front porch.

If You Spot it, Blot it

The saying goes, “if you see something, say something.” We’ll take that a step further - if you see something, do something, meaning if you see a spill take action right away. Adding water to a spill will help to lower the chances of stains forming and discoloring your carpet. Add some warm water and lightly blot the area, pressing and lifting without rubbing or scrubbing.

… But Avoid Scrubbing at Stains

Blotting spills will help, scrubbing spills will hurt your carpet. When you scrub at a spill, you tend to work the stain into the carpet more deeply. Avoid this at all costs as it will require a more thorough cleaning.

Check Your Carpet Warranty

While you are showing your carpet extra attention with vacuuming, make sure to check out any active warranties you have on it. Some agreements require you to have your carpet professionally cleaned every 12 to 18 months to stay valid. Check both the manufacturer’s and installer’s warranty to be sure not to miss any requirements.

Ready for a deep cleaning for your carpeting this spring? The experts at Plymouth Carpet Service have your spring cleaning needs covered. Make sure to contact us soon as our schedule begins to get busy this time of year.